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Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove

Updated: Jan 27, 2022

Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove is a collection of platforming games created by Yacht Club Games, with the first game being created in 2014. The game has received many awards, and is often seen on "best games of all time" lists.

The original Shovel Knight game first appeared as a project on the funding website Kickstarter, and very quickly reached its goals. Thus, Shovel Knight was born. The game follows Shovel Knight on his journey to save his beloved Shield Knight from the evil Enchantress and her Order of No Quarter.

Sometime later, in 2015, Shovel Knight: Plague of Shadows was released. This time, you play as the mad alchemist Plague Knight (The main characters tend to have the word "Knight" in their name), as he gathers ingredients for a potion of unlimited power. This game takes place at the same time as the original Shovel Knight game, now known as Shove Knight: Shovel of Hope.

On the 5 of April, 2017, Shovel Knight: Spectre of Torment released, starring Spectre Knight on his quest to recruit a collection of evildoers to create the Order of No Quarter. This game serves as a prequal to the first two games, and has a decidedly darker tone.

The final game in the series is Shovel Knight: King of Cards, released on the 9 of April, 2019. This game, which takes place at the same time as Spectre of Torment, tells the tale of how the dramatic King Knight came to the throne and joined the Order of No Quarter. In contrast to Spectre of Torment, this game has a more comedic tone.

These games were eventually packaged together, along with a fighting game named Shovel Knight: Showdown, into a single game; Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove.

Over the next few posts, I will go over these games in detail. Enjoy!

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2 commentaires

25 nov. 2021

Oh! ANother game I was entirely ignorant of! Interesting..!


24 nov. 2021

Ah Shovel Knight. The stuff of dreams.

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