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Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope

Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope is the first instalment in the Shovel Knight series of platforming games, released on 24 of June, 2014.


Long ago, the land was full of magic and brave adventurers. The greatest of these adventures were Shovel Knight and Shield Knight. But their travels together were brought to an end when they journeyed to the Tower of Fate; where a cursed amulet wrought a cursed magic.

When Shovel Knight woke up, the tower was sealed, and Shield Knight was gone. His spirit broken, he went into a life of farming and solitude. Without any adventurers, the wicked Enchantress and her Order of No Quarter. The tower is unsealed, and devastation is near. A new adventure is about to begin...


You play as, of course, Shovel Knight, as he runs and jumps through the game. You can use his signature Shovel Blade to attack enemies, dig up treasure, and even bounce off of enemies' heads to reach places you wouldn't be able to normally. You can also gain relics, which are much more specialist items, ranging from a flame-shooting wand to a fish bomb (yes, that is it's actual name). These relics use up your magic, which you can replenish from jars you find.

The game takes place across a multitude of side-scrolling levels, most of which end in a fight with one of the members of the Order of No Quarter. After completing a level, you are presented with a world map, which you use to go to different levels, or the town and, later on, the armour outpost, where you can buy upgrades to your health and magic (the town), or add attributes to your armour and shovel (the armour outpost). There are also a plethora of characters in these locations to interact with, and sometimes fight.

Main characters

Shovel Knight: The main character of the game.

Shield Knight: Shovel Knight's love, and who he shall save.

The Enchantress: An evil witch, and wielder of the cursed amulet. Or is it the other way round? The enchantress is, understandably, the final enemy you face.

Black Knight: Shovel Knight's rival, fought multiple times throughout the game.

King Knight: A self-proclaimed King, fought in Pridemoor Keep.

Plague Knight: A mad alchemist, fought in the Explodatorium.

Spectre Knight: A scythe-wielding spirit, fought in the Lich Yard.

Tinker Knight: A brilliant engineer, fought in the Clockwork Tower.

Polar Knight: A giant warrior, fought in the Sunken Ship

Propeller Knight: A dramatic, flying daredevil, fought in the Flying Machine.

Treasure Knight: A underwater pirate, fought in the Iron Whale.

Mole Knight: A flaming excavator, fought in the Lost City.

A Few Minor Characters

Baz: A whip-wielding giant, who is incredibly arrogant.

Mr Hat: A strange merchant, who can change fighting styles at (literally) the drop of a hat.

Madam Meeber (Nintendo consoles only): This magical fairy can summon companions for you using Amiibo (interactive figurines which I will talk about at some point.)

Spoiler's Note

The Enchantress and Shield Knight are the same person. The Enchantress was created when the cursed amulet took over Shield Knight's body.

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1 Comment

Dec 02, 2021

A spoiler!!! I now need never play the game! (Another great piece, by the way.)

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