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Shovel Knight: King of Cards

Shovel Knight: King of Cards is the fourth and final game in the Shovel Knight series of platforming games, released on December 10, 2019.


In a land of magic and adventurers, there is peace. And under peace, new pastimes have flourished. In particular, a card game called Joustus has rose to fame and with it, word of a grand tournament. Whoever can defeat the three judges shall be declared the King of Cards. The would-be king, King Knight, sees this as his chance to achieve his dream and become royalty. The journey for card supremacy has begun...


King Knight, unlike the other characters who have an array of movement options, only has one which can lead into a few different things. King Knight can perform a shoulder charge that, when it hits an enemy or part of the level, leads into a leaping pirouette that can bounce off of enemies and blocks. Upon bouncing off an enemy or block at least once, you can then perform another shoulder charge. The shoulder charge can also be cancelled into a roll, which does not launch you into the air.

This game brings back the world map from Plague of Shadows, and Shovel of Hope. Instead of the Armour Outpost or the Village, King Knight has the Glidewing, an airship that carries him and his companions to their destinations. From here, you can purchase items (this time called Heirlooms), new armours, and gain new abilities.

The world map also has the Houses of Joustus, where you can play the card game that they're named for. However, all the games of Joustus are completely optional, unless you want some extra gold.

While Spectre of Torment has a darker tone, King of Cards is significantly more light-hearted.

Main characters

King Knight: The main character, and eventually King of the Pridemoor Kingdom.

Mom: King Knight's mother, and provider of health-boosting meals

King Pridemoor: The deposed ruler of the Pridemoor Kingdom, and one of the Joustus Judges.

Troupple King: King of the Troupples (apple/fish creatures), and one of the Joustus Judges.

King Birdle: King of the Birdles (spiritual bird creatures) and one of the Joustus Judges.

A few minor characters

Bard and Cooper: Two friends, and owners (I think) of the Glidewing.

Vicar of Vigour: An ancient spirit, who you can purchase two Heirlooms from.

Traitorus: The former advisor to King Pridemoor, who betrayed the king.

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Dec 14, 2021

If you see a deleted comment, it's because I forgot that you could reply to things.


Dec 14, 2021

No spoilers?! Which of these four games do you most like?

Dec 14, 2021
Replying to

I have all of them via Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove.

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